Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Posting a little late

February 14th 2008

What a crazy day! A very large storm came in last night, and has caused havoc. It took hours to make a 20 minute drive. Trever’s truck got stuck in the circle, and this morning he couldn’t make it out of the driveway. So he had to take my car to work. That would have been fine, if it wasn’t Valentines day. Maddy was so upset she was going to miss her Valentines Day party at daycare. So I get the neighbors to take us to daycare/work. Well almost, we got high centered in their driveway, in a four wheel drive vehicle! 2 hours later we get out of the circle. Maddy made it to her party, life can go on! The snow drifts at our house are so high; you almost can’t see the fence in the backyard. We have had a lot of snow this winter. On a better note, Trever surprised Maddy and I with matching necklaces. What a sweetie.

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