Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Another day

February 20th 2008

Well the snow is starting to melt, but it’s still several feet in some areas. Still cant get to our front door, but there looks to be hope in the near future. We have been working on the basement. The electrical is just about done, the heating and duct work is getting done today. It’s been a lot of work, and we are still long from done. But it will be nice when it’s all done. My goal is to have it done by the time the baby gets here, but that might be an unrealistic goal. Other then that not a whole lot going on. Maddy is in swimming lessons with Eli. They don’t do a lot, but they have fun splashing around in the water. 12 more weeks until the baby comes. I had the echo-cardiogram done last week to test for PFO, but don’t have the results yet. The dizziness is only getting worse, hoping we can get the baby here before passing out again.

Posting a little late

February 14th 2008

What a crazy day! A very large storm came in last night, and has caused havoc. It took hours to make a 20 minute drive. Trever’s truck got stuck in the circle, and this morning he couldn’t make it out of the driveway. So he had to take my car to work. That would have been fine, if it wasn’t Valentines day. Maddy was so upset she was going to miss her Valentines Day party at daycare. So I get the neighbors to take us to daycare/work. Well almost, we got high centered in their driveway, in a four wheel drive vehicle! 2 hours later we get out of the circle. Maddy made it to her party, life can go on! The snow drifts at our house are so high; you almost can’t see the fence in the backyard. We have had a lot of snow this winter. On a better note, Trever surprised Maddy and I with matching necklaces. What a sweetie.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Feb 4, 2008

I have decided to give the blog thing a try. I'm guessing it won’t last long, but Im going to give it a fair shot. I'm not looking for it to be interesting or anything, I'm mostly just wanting something I can look back and remember the little things. I have been tossing the idea around for a while.

So for anybody who might actually read this and doesn’t know me, here is my life in a nutshell. My name Is Jamie Jennings I live in West Valley city UT, I have been married for 7 years we have one little girl name Madison with another on the way in May. Madison will be 3 this month. I work for Zions Bank, my husband Trever works for Chevron.

Yesterday was the Super bowl. I wasn’t exactly thrilled with either the Patriots or Giants. Only because Tom Brady has an enormous ego and Eli Manning is a big cry baby. I was glad it turned out to be a good game, and not a blow out. Giants won 17-14. I got $25 of my $50 in gambling back. I ate Grandma Montano’s chili Verde early enough I wasn’t up all night with heartburn. All in all a good Super Bowl Sunday, but I am going to miss the Sunday games.

Saturday night we were at my friend Kristin’s house for UFC 81 and Shawn (her husband) birthday. Another girl there had her baby, and Madison asked her if the baby came out of her belly which she responded with “yes”, Maddy proceeded to ask her is she had to squeeze the baby out. It was pretty funny. She cracks me up sometimes. She is pretty excited for the baby, but we will see how she is once the baby comes home and doesn’t leave. Speaking of the baby, we still have not come up with a name. Our top runners right now are Isabella (or just Bella) and Kennedy. I like Ava, but Trever is not so sure about that name. Im sick of looking through the baby books, so Im guessing we will choose one of these.