Thursday, January 22, 2009

Utes Parade

We went to the finale of the 08-09 Utes season, a parade. It was a nice way to give them a farewell for the season. Maddy was so excited when the band and cheerleaders walked by, she thinks she knows them since we see them at our tailgating lot before every game. Kennedy was miserable, but what a trooper! We deserve to be number one and I hope this is an eye opener to the BCS, their system is funky and needs to be fixed! I went to Washington DC the day following the parade, and of course I was sporting my Utes hoodie. So many people yelled and commented that Utes are number 1! I was really amazed how many people yelled or stopped me to comment about how Utes were the best team! Ok this will be my last post about the Utes until September!! GO UTES!!!

1 comment:

Mrs. Ferguson said...

Kennedy looks 'pleasant' :)