Dang she is short!
Maddy graduated preschool for the second time yesterday. They had a cute little program where they sang several songs the kids have learned over the year. My favorite was the one about putting mommy in a box so she could kiss her all day long, and at the end of the song Maddy brought me flower lay followed with a kiss. My heart melted. Her teacher, Mrs. Sweet was the best teacher I can only hope she has equally great teachers in the future. We gave her and the assistant Mrs. Jean a gift certificate, Maddy made them a paper purse to put the certificate in along with a baggy of hello kitty gumballs for each and a paper thing she cut out of the two of them holding hands. I couldn't cut one out if I was paid too, she is already more creative then I will ever be. She also made Trever and I one, here is a picture of it, but she wasn't thrilled with this one because we didn't have enough shoulders LOL
She is so excited that she finally gets to go to Kindergarten. She told me today I'm going to miss her so much when she goes to Kindergarten.
Will they ever look at the camera at the same time?
Last day with that mop of hair, its was chopped off a few hours later