Alright, so Im a little late. We had a small birthday party for her at the house, but she had a great time! She is talking so well now, its funny I ever worried. She has started potty training, but I can say now its going to be much more of a challenge then Maddy was. She will go every time I (III) put her on the toilet but she hasn't started telling me when she has to go. She has her 2 year check up tomorrow, we shall see what her weight and height is at (33 inches (50th), 28 pounds(70th).
Random things about Kennedy
1. She loves to shower, I cant say the word shower without her taking her cloths off and running to the bathroom
2. Obsessed with Mickey Mouse
3. always walks, every time I get her out of the car she says "I walk I walk" over and over until I put her down
4. always hauling a blankie around, not to particular on which blankie but has to have one with her most the time
5. mommy's girl
6. favorite food is asparagus and instant oatmeal
7. favorite treat is fruit snack, she will do anything for fruit snacks from going on the potty to picking up toys. She just about hyperventilates when she hears the words.
8. busy little girl, always into something
9. dances anything music comes on including when our phones ring
10. loves shoes, changes them at least 5 times a day
She's such a little cutie! I just love her. A little ray of sunshine (mixed in with a bit of drama - lol).
Haha, didn't Maddy love shoes too?!
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