Sunday, June 14, 2009

Start of Summer 2009

Well we were off to a good start of summer, until all the rain! We started our weekly trips to my cousins pool, its so nice to not have to worry about Cryptosporidium. And then the rain started, and has not stopped for over a week now. So frustrating, but should be done sometime this week. Looking forward to warm summer days!

I took the girls to the Cooper Mine as a way to pass the rainy days. It was a bit chilly, but nice to be out of the house. Maddy really thought the models of the mountain were cool, and of course the big dump trucks.
She can ride a bike with no training wheels, FREEDOM! We went on a family bike ride today, and she made it all the way to the Millers house and back. Her little legs were peddling so fast trying make it up the hills.
Last weekend we went camping up South Willow with just our family. It was nice to have just us up there. We had to go to the very top of the mountain, and due to the weather we were the only campers up there. So peaceful and beautiful. It rained some, but for the most part it was great weather. We saw lots of deer, and they would get really close. Maddy and I took a walk in the river, it was super cold. Kennedy enjoyed walking around exploring all the new things to her. She took her first face dive out of the trailer, my heart dropped but she made it through with only a few scratches.