Sunday, August 16, 2009

Golf Tournament

Maddy putting for the first time on a real course. She did pretty good
I started golfing this year, I even bought my own clubs. I'm doing much better then when I first started. I still suck, but keeping score has helped me realize how much better I am getting. I played in two tournaments, the first was a fund raiser for my mom. I played with Trever, Paul and Tony, it was a lot of fun. The second was one I have played in for years now, although this was the first year I knew what I was doing. Trever's brother does an annual "double bogey" tournament, mostly so the women and kids have a tournament to play in. It was at the Payson golf tournament, and we camped in the middle of the course. The day before the tournament we went to the Payson county pool, they had alot of little water slides, Kennedy didn't want to stop going down when I quit taking her she was trying to get strangers to take her down. It was a fun weekend. That Sunday morning, Trever took the girls to his moms and they stayed there until Friday when we got there for Elmo days. It was a quiet week and much needed, but I missed them so much!

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