Friday, September 17, 2010

10 years!!

On September 9th Trever and I had put up with each other for 10 years, quite the accomplishment! Just kidding, we have a great relationship and love one another very much.. most the time :). Its crazy looking back over the last 10 years, we have accomplished and been through so much. I cant wait to see what the next 50 years bring us, the good the bad and the ugly. Love you Trever!

We went to Lake Tahoe on our honeymoon, so Trever really wanted to go back there. I wasn't so thrilled about the idea but went along for him. We have barley been home all summer, and the thought of leaving for another 4 days did not sound good to me. Plus, for whatever crazy reason we decided to take the girls to Lagoon the day before we left and stay the night. We got home at 8am, NOT PACKED yet and our flight left at 11am. Crazy morning. But, I am very glad I did. I forgot how pretty that lake is. And it was nice to spend 4 days alone with Trever, no interruptions. I forgot how great it is to have each others undivided attention. Ahh but after 4 days of playing on the lake, gambling, sleeping in, and few other activities it was back to reality.

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