We had our annual family party, it was all good other then Trever dressing up....
There costumes turned out so cute
Kennedy so proud of her pumpkin she carved
Maddys pumpkin
Tyler and Sara's party went as planned.. really fun right up until the end when someone ruins it.. sad to say my last name was involved this year. But still a great party
Some of the girls
Family 2010 Halloween pic
Since this year it was raining we decided we better give the local trunk or treat a try since the rain may ruin the real trick or treating. It was a better experience then I thought, it was nice seeing all the neighbors in a quick time, the kids got enough candy it didn't matter if it rained, and my duty was done. But I still believe the fun of trick or treating comes from going house to house. We had some family and friends come over and a few ventured back out into the rain for "real" trick or treating. Maddy went and loved it, but she was a soaked mid evil princess in the end.
Kids before trick or treating
All of us before trick or trunking, the picture after would have been better! We were all soaked
Haunted house
We took Maddy to her first haunted house. She begged to go last year, I just felt it was too soon and didn't want to ruin her for life. I had hoped she would forget, but nope she reminded us daily throughout the haunted house season. So Trev and I decided we better take her, Kristin and Dante came with us.. it was also Dante first time. In the end we all had a blast. Dante was afraid to walk in the front and Maddy was brave enough to be our guide the whole time. She really only got scared when it got pitch dark, and the "chainsaw" guys were running after mom.."thats my mommy" she was screaming. She is already talking about next year haunted houses.
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